How to Convert PHP String into Array?

Sovary May 27, 2022 334
1 minute read

Today tutorial, we will share with you the way to convert a PHP string into array. we will convert a string into array in PHP by specify character. You will learn how to convert a text to an array using a delimiter in PHP. By just follow the simple steps below to learn how to trun an array from a text in PHP.

we are going to use explode() function to convert an string to an array with a delimiter which means we break a string into piece of array element. We'll give you two examples below so that you will understand how it works.

explode() - split string data into elements of array using a separator or delimiter.


explode(string $separator, string $string, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX): array

Return Value: Returns array of string. Result from a string splited by separator.


Parameter Type Description
$separator String (Required) Specifies where to split the string.
$string  String (Required) String to be splitted by separator.
$limit Integer (Optional) Specifies the element number of array to return after splitted.

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Example #1

$cakes = "Pie1 Pie2 Pie3 Pie4 Pie5 Pie6";
$string = explode(' ', $cakes);
echo '<pre>' , var_dump($string) , '</pre>';


array(6) {
  string(4) "Pie1"
  string(4) "Pie2"
  string(4) "Pie3"
  string(4) "Pie4"
  string(4) "Pie5"
  string(4) "Pie6"

 Example #2

$cakes = "Pie1-Pie2-Pie3-Pie4-Pie5-Pie6";
// Positive limit, return 3 elements array
$exp1= explode('-', $cakes, 3);
// Negative limit, remove last 2 elements array
$exp2= explode('-', $cakes, -2);
echo '$exp1 output: <pre>', var_dump($exp1),'</pre>';
echo '$exp2 output: <pre>', var_dump($exp2),'</pre>';


$exp1 output:
array(3) {
  string(4) "Pie1"
  string(4) "Pie2"
  string(19) "Pie3-Pie4-Pie5-Pie6"
$exp2 output:
array(4) {
  string(4) "Pie1"
  string(4) "Pie2"
  string(4) "Pie3"
  string(4) "Pie4"

I hope you will learn and how to use this function.


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